Sunday, 16 November 2014

Black hairstyle

The history of hairstyle or hairdo is almost as old as human beings, with people from different cultures or racial backgrounds wearing different styles. Historical hair is a form of cultural identity, but the revolution in the hairstyle industry began during the Roman empire. Since then hairstyle is an important indicator of an individual's social class, religion, gender, culture, cult, political group, race, marital status and age. Every race have made it a duty to define their own unique hairstyle.

Generally, there is the belief that the African hair is difficult to handle and there are few hair products designed to manage their hair. However, there are some who have come up with ingenious ways to manage nice unique hairstyles. Black women are evolving and many of them are adopting the European or Asian longer hairdo mainly due to to aesthetic reasons.

We have below some modern hairdo in some black Africans, black Americans or black Europeans that are beautiful and unique to their identity. The black race owe it to the coming generation to define for them a unique hairdo that befits a modern society.

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